
Spirituality exists in you. The individuals who appear to be alive may be dead, if and only if their spirituality doesn't exits in their souls. Anyway, What is Spirituality? Spirituality is your good feelings, sentiments and confidence that lies just in your heart. All the negative feelings lie outside the heart since heart is the spot just for adoration, belief, and the light. 

Adoration is Happiness, belief is faith and the light is favoring of Allah Almighty.


A few people believe that Sunrise is an image of new way, new excursion with holding similar desire, same objections and same hands. Trusting in Allah Almighty; having faith in yourself; to look upward; to peer inside in yourself; to contact the horizon are the new feelings along with sunrise. Anyway, the beauty of Sunset can't be disregarded. It is a beauty to feel forgetting about all the concerns and grief; overlooking the past; focusing on the future and being cheerful on the present. Essentially Beauty exists in us. On the off chance that you are glad, you will feel and see magnificence in everything around you. So make your inner, your spirit , your longings to be cheerful on everything and focus on the best.

So, you just need to say to yourself, "THIS IS NOT THE END"


Symmetry and simplicity are between related. Symmetry gives us the cadence of life whereas simplicity teaches us the contentment. In this world, you will see symmetry in all things. From a fish at the bed of sea to a subterranean insect under the stones. Symmetry is essentially a nature. It is a characteristic wonder. Everything in this world follows it. It unites us. So it isn't only a cadence, it is individuals' perspectives which are destined to a particular objective; it is their philosophy which makes them joined together. In each of these measures, simplicity consistently holds on with symmetry and the two of them hold their hands 

As one said, "Through simplicity comes great beauty


Presently a days the normal age of a human has been decreased because of the trend of advanced technology and in the distraught race of making other nations to follow one's standards. Each and every country and  individual is attempting to develop and renovate advanced innovation. The present person has gotten materialistic and, to accomplish his covetous desire, he is trying and battling without considering his wellbeing. Therefore, we can see Hospitals and clinical stores crowded with people. Be that as it may, parks are vacant; tracks sitting tight for somebody; blossoms sitting tight for their darlings. Truth be told, health is bestowed by Allah Almighty and people should take care of it as well as pray Allah for good wellbeing.

Awareness makes you feel nature; nature makes you healthy and health is wealth.




Once in a while we are confounded relating the inquiry "What is Life?". Some said that life is an inclination to overcome the hearts of those whom you love. Some said that life is essentially to feel nature; feel reality and it's a period for dreaming. In any case, actually, feeling itself isn't anything without life. Until you are alive, you have feelings. You are a captive of sentiments. These feelings change from individual to individual. 

A bloom is a symbol of life, its colors are the symbol of feelings and its variety is a symbol of individuals.


All the great nations vanquished utilizing one of the two incredible forces; one is strength and the other is pen. Strength stops by having belief in Allah Almighty and agony of sufferings. Pen's force comes from intelligence and knowledge. It is through knowledge that people of this era can fly above the clouds; can run quicker than a panther, can sink to the bed of the ocean. 

A bird without a wing is like a person without knowledge.


Fellowship is here and there the world's most noteworthy connection. In this world, a companion is indeed an individual of your life's journey that will consistently be there for you in the hours of pain and bliss. At whatever point you fall, you will have a conviction that there will be an individual to console you; there will be a shoulder to cry your tears. A companion can be anybody; it tends to be your sibling, father, mother, spouse or an individual who might not have even a  blood connection with you. At times, companions are more than the image of yourself in the mirror since they can peruse you better than you. Fundamentally, friendship can never be uneven, it is consistently two sided. That is the reason it is a commendable relationship.

My Best Friend "Mr. Sharoz Khan" is more than a friend to me. His image is as above


Food makes you sound physically and intellectually. Notwithstanding, tourism is a nourishment for your spirit and soul. Noticing diversity in the way of life; diversity in the conventions and culture; and diversity in the individuals should be possible through tourism. The travel industry becomes amazing when you travel will the individuals who know about you from head to toe. Thus, when you feel uneasiness; when you are dismal, at that point go pack your baggage to take a long breath in fresh and clean climate away from the melancholy, distresses and misery.

As one said, "Those who don't travel read only one page."


Self-esteem is understanding oneself. A few people think that self-esteem is arrogance. Be that as it may, there is a distinction between self-esteem and arrogance. Arrogance makes you believe that you are perfect. In the wake of rehearsing and conquering, you think as indicated by a citation, "Practice makes a man perfect". Therefore, you don't break down your negative feelings and characteristics. In any case, consistently recall that we can't become perfect, we can just turn out to be better; "Better than a past state". Whereas self-regard brings you towards Allah, since it depends on the purpose of life. The inquiries, for what reason would you say you are conceived?; how would you be able to do? what's more, what will you need to do? make you a human being.

Essentially self-regarding is trusting in Allah Almighty and have a trust in yourself, though pride makes you over confident.


  1. They say that photography is not a skill, it is a feeling. I always had a strong stand against it but your pictures forced me to embrace the saying. The perfection of your pictures is so great, one could easily confuse them to be from Google but I, as your friend can say it without any hesitation that these masterpiece are your own hard work. Keep up the good work 👍👍

  2. What a magnificent set of words and such astonishing pictures you took! Really astound by your collection. It highly expresses your dynamic personality all in all and I honestly appreciate the quote which states: "A bird without a wing is like a person without knowledge." Keep up the good work man.

  3. What the heck dude 🔥🔥🔥.
    The pics are just amazing. I am hiring you as my photographer from now on.

  4. Abdur rafey hats off to you. This is another level of photography. Love yoyr all pics.

  5. That photography seems out of this world ♥️ amd the Expression seems unparalleled. Definitely the best one I have read ♥️ An awe awesome effort ♥️

  6. My Oh My. I didn't know you were this good at photography. The skills are real. Excellent effort. The philosophy is giving me chills. 😂

  7. What a delight! The best blog I have yet witnessed!

  8. Splendid work of Photography .Every picture has its memory and you have defined them perfectly

  9. Good effort . All the pictures have a deep meaning and I really appreciate your creative work .The angles and the positions you used to take these photos are absolutely fine and perfect.

  10. Really intriguing. You firstly tell about spirtuality. My most favorite topic of all time at which I can talk on and can listen up to several of hours. I am happy that some exits here who takes keen interest and pay heed towards the matter of ALMIGHTY ALLAH, THE EVER DOMINATING. Our only sole goal is to get the closeness and the gaiety of our beloved ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

    The world changing aptitudes has changed man to a great extent. Yet we have maintained a distance. May ALMIGHTY ALLLAH keep us close to HIM in every aspect of life.

    The shots were amazing indeed. Keep it up lalae!

  11. Damn. The pictures are fantastic. Love the angles, the backgrounds. Mesmerizing.

  12. Ooooooooooo brother, I am literally Stunned at this moment , I definitely have no words. The only thing popping in mind is that, "Can this get any better, definitely NOT AT ALL". You are one hell of a professional photographer. I am feeling so lucky to have such a Pro Photographer as a friend and......I'm blank.....no words........Mind blowing 💖... I'd like to learn it from you once we meet face to face, In Sha Allah !

  13. I came to know you love traveling form this blog and these shots are spectacular but the way you have got good skills in photography

  14. great work bro . You proves yourself and your abilities through this assignment

  15. Insane level of photography, mixed with the wise words, makes this blog great!

  16. A lot of effort done to take pictures. Just excellent choice of pictures. Clearly they picture your personality. Keep up the good work.

  17. The pictures are magnificent in and of themselves, but what makes your article so beautiful is the superb narration and a different story unique to each and only that photo. Very impressive, my friend!

  18. You always have a way of being you. Once again, did more than expectations. An excellent workpiece. Your photos are excellent!!! And description is in the typical style of Abdur Raffay. Excellent..!


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